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General information and policies of BMJ Learning

Updated over 2 years ago

BMJ Group

BMJ Learning is part of the BMJ Publishing Group (BMJ Group), the medical publishing division and wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association (BMA). BMJ Publishing Group Limited is incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 3102371. Its registered office is BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JR.

BMJ Group is best known for its weekly journal the BMJ (formerly known as the British Medical Journal). Established in 1840, the BMJ is an influential publication for doctors around the world.

Sources of income

BMJ Learning receives income from a range of sources to ensure wide and affordable access while maintaining full editorial independence.

BMJ Learning receives income from the BMA to provide free access to BMA members.

Where a module has been created under contract, as part of a partnership, this is indicated clearly on the module. Where advertising is carried, the advertisers have no involvement with the editorial content.


The learning modules on BMJ Learning are created using a process that is compliant with all relevant ethical, medico-legal, and legal requirements. If material related to a potentially identifiable patient is contained within a module, then we require that patient's explicit and written consent. The confidentiality of patients is assured. BMJ Learning is compliant with data-protection legislation.


Any identifiable people or patients pictured on our site have given their consent for their image to be used. We source some of our images from a stock photography company, which requires models to sign a release form permitting the use of their image. If you'd like to know more, you can read our supplier's policy on model release forms.

Some images on BMJ Learning have been reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence. You are free to re-use, alter, or transform these images, and you you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar licence.


Learning modules on the site are the copyright (©) of BMJ Learning, unless specifically stated on the module.

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