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Accreditation & CPD

Where is BMJ Learning CPD accepted and who is it accredited by?

Updated over 3 months ago

Courses on the BMJ Learning website are peer reviewed, up to date, and evidence based. As such, they are accredited by colleges, associations, and authorities from around the world.

When you download a certificate after completing a course, you can choose which accrediting organisation you would like to appear on the certificate. This allows you to demonstrate that you have met the CPD/CME requirements applicable to you.

You can always default to BMJ Learning, and our brand is recognised around the world as a provider of reliable, evidence-based learning.

You can see a list of our current accreditors below.

If your local college or association is not listed, please contact them to request that they accredit BMJ Learning. Alternatively, you can send their details through this page and we will contact them to request CME/CPD accreditation.

United Kingdom

Core Principles for Continuing Professional Development

According to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, doctors are required by the GMC “to remain up to date and fit to practise across the whole of their scope of work. They are ultimately responsible for their own learning and for undertaking Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that has educational value and keeps them up to date throughout their career.”

According to the Academy, “doctors should aim for a balance of learning methods and experiences, appropriate to their CPD needs and PDP. Personal study includes reading relevant books and journals and internet-based learning, such as webinars and e-learning modules.”

BMJ Learning is recognised by most UK colleges and appraisers as a reliable source of CPD.

Accrediting bodies


Afghan Family Medicine Association

This is to state that the Afghan Family Medicine Association (AFMA) recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Afghanistan. Healthcare professionals and doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


National Center of Continuing Education

The National Center of Continuing Education recognizes all credits obtained from BMJ.


The Universidade Agostinho Neto

This is to state that the Universidade Agostinho Neto (Angola) recognizes BMJ Learning and BMJ Best Practice as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Angola and, therefore, medical doctors and other healthcare professionals are strongly encouraged to use these online resources for their Continuous Medical Education and Clinical Decision Support.


The Clinica Belgrano Family Medicine Department

BMJ Learning is accredited by the Clinica Belgrano Family Medicine Department. Users can thus get CME credits as a result of their activities on the site.


Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

RACGP CPD Program participants can claim one credit per hour for completed BMJ Learning modules that reflect their scope of practice and meet their CPD needs under the 'Educational Activities' category (minimum 12.5 hours per year). Use the Quick Log function in RACGP myCPD to record your completed modules.

Royal Australasian College of Physicians

RACP MyCPD Program participants can claim one credit per hour for completed BMJ Learning modules that reflect their scope of practice and meet their CPD needs under the 'Category 1 - Educational Activities' category (minimum 12.5 hours per year).


The Scientific-Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic

The Scientific-Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic has formally accredited all BMJ Learning online modules for medical doctor`s continuous professional development. Completion of one module is considered as the equivalent of one credit or one hour of learning.


Bangladesh Society of Internal Medicine

The Bangladesh Society of Internal Medicine has accredited BMJ Learning for the purpose of CPD.


Barbados Medical Council

BMJ Learning modules are now accredited by the Barbados Medical Council.


Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade

SBMFC recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development. Healthcare professionals and students can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.

Universidade de Pernambuco

Universidade de Pernambuco recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development. Healthcare professionals and students can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


The Bulgarian General Practice Society for Research and Education

This is to state that the Bulgarian General Practice Society for Research and Education recognizes BMJ Learning resources as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Bulgaria. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


Médecins du Cameroun

This is to state that Médecins du Cameroun recognizes BMJ Learning as being approved for the purposes of continuing educational development in Cameroon. Healthcare professionals and doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.

The University of Buea

This is to state that the UNIVERSITY OF BUEA recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Cameroon. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.



AscofameVirtual is a model for the development and management of a process of quality certification of professional skills mediated by ICT, comprising continuing professional development activities provided by the Colombian Association of Medical Schools, ASCOFAME, directly or in partnership with medical schools, and international organizations for the production and dissemination of knowledge of the highest academic and scientific level, and other organizations and scientific societies of Colombia. ASCOFAME brings together 46 medical schools in the country and ensures the quality of the Colombian Medical Education since 1959.

The Continuing Professional Development activities included here are intended to provide the physician with a voluntary recertification program, based on the following system of credits: 48 hours of estimated reading equals one credit. To opt for voluntary professional recertification must demonstrate a minimum of 5 credits in a year.


The Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University

This is to state that the Faculty of Medicine-Alexandria University recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Egypt. Healthcare professionals and doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


Haramaya University

This is to state that Haramaya University recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Ethiopia. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning and BMJ Best Practice.


Austrian Academy of Physicians

If Austrian medical doctors have a confirmation of participation of BMJ Learning modules, they can document that at the Austrian Medical Chamber. The Medical Chamber has to clarify if it matches the requirement of their system, as the case arises.

The Association for General Practitioners in Denmark

BMJ Learning and BMJ Best Practice meet the criteria for Danish CPD reimbursement. As a user you can apply on an individual basis for reimbursement after accessing the content. Please contact:

College of Psychiatrists of Ireland

Content on BMJ Learning has been approved by the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland for Continuous Professional Development (CPD). You can claim one CPD credit per hour of learning activity

The Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies

The Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies has stated that "doctors who wish to record their activities on online learning sites are advised to ensure the activity they engage in meets the following criteria:

  • The activity provides for some type of learner interaction or self assessment

  • The activity objectives describe what the participants may learn or achieve by participating in the activity

  • The website provides access to appropriate bibliographic sources that allow for further study and that reinforce and clarify specific activity topics

  • The practitioner produces evidence of activity and/or completion, eg a certificate of completion of a module.

When the online activity meets the criteria indicated above, the doctor's claim for CPD credit is accepted. An hour of online activity generally allows you to claim one credit.

Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation has accredited BMJ Learning cardiology modules for the purpose of CPD.

Lithuanian College of Family Physicians

The Lithuanian College of Family Physicians has accredited BMJ Learning for the purpose of CPD.

Netherlands Association of Internal Medicine

The Netherlands Association of Internal Medicine has accredited BMJ Learning. This means that Dutch specialists for internal medicine can upload their certificates (or other proof that they have successfully finished this schooling) of this online learning to their personal dossier. One hour is equal to 1 credit of learning.


Ukrainian Ministry of Health

The approval of Resolution 302 by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 28 March 2018 means that CME and CPD credits earned by health professionals in Ukraine for using online learning and decision support tools will be accepted by the Medical Licensing Commission. BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning are recognised now by the Ministry of Health for the CME/CPD stage of professional education. Currently, both BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning are the first international and only e-learning resources translated into Ukrainian.


Fiji College of General Practioners

BMJ Learning is accredited by the Fiji College of General Practioners.


The University of Conakry

This is to state that the University of Conakry recognizes BMJ Learning resources as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Guinea. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


The Goa Medical Council

This is to state that the Goa Medical Council recognizes BMJ Learning resources as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Goa. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia

The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia has stated that BMJ Best Practice, a clinical decision support tool, and BMJ Learning, an online learning platform, have been accredited for the purposes of CME and CPD. The CME and CPD credits earned by doctors for using BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning will now be formally recognised by the Ministry and other healthcare organisations across Georgia.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine states that the application for accreditation of overseas CME activities under the MCHK CME programme is normally not required in advance and that individual doctors may submit their application for accreditation retrospectively. If you have any questions, please contact your CME administrator.


AIIMS Kalyani

This is to state that AIIMS Kalyani recognises BMJ as being accredited for the purposes of

continuing professional development (CPD) / continuing medical education (CME). Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ resources.


Iranian Society of Internal Medicine

The Iranian Society for Internal Medicine has accredited BMJ Learning for the purpose of CPD.


Japan Primary Care Association

Japan Primary Care Association (JPCA) members can claim 0.5 units per module (no upper limit) under the 'Clinical' category of the off-the-job training credits system.


Continuous professional development (CPD) in the online resources BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning are recognised in Kazakhstan, which allows medical workers and doctors to receive professional development credits within the framework of BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning.


Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi

This is to state that Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi recognizes BMJ as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Kenya. Healthcare professionals and doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.

Kingdom of Bhutan

Bhutan Medical and Health Council

Bhutan Medical and Health Council has formally accredited all BMJ Learning online modules for continuous professional development. Bhutan Medical and Health Council will accept the CME credit provided by BMJ Learning to any registered members of Bhutan Medical and Health Council for renewal of their registration.


The Liberia Medical and Dental Association

This is to state that the Liberia Medical and Dental Association recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Liberia. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


Medical Council of Malawi

The Medical Council of Malawi recognizes BMJ Learning resources as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Malawi. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


The Faculty of Medicine of University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako

This is to state that the Faculty of Medicine of University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Mali. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


The Malta College of Family Doctors

This is to state that the Malta College of Family Doctors recognizes BMJ as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Malta. Specialists in family medicine can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.


National Academy of Medicine of Mexico

The National Academy of Medicine of Mexico has accredited BMJ Learning for the purpose of CPD.


The Ministry of Health and Sports

This is to state that the Ministry of Health and Sports recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Myanmar. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


General Practitioners' Association of Nepal

BMJ Learning modules are now accredited by the General Practitioners' Association of Nepal.

New Zealand

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

RNZCGP Te Whanake CPD Programme participants can claim one credit per hour under the 'Medical Education' category (minimum 12 credits per year) for modules that are relevant to their practice.

The Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care

This is to state that The Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care recognises urgent care content on BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in New Zealand. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their urgent care learning activity on BMJ Learning.


Abia State University Medical School

Abia State University Medical School recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purpose of continuous medical education (CME)/continuous professional development (CPD). Doctors can thus claim continuous professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


Oman Medical Specialty Board

Learners are entitled to claim the following CPD points per completed module:

  • Interactive case histories: 0.5 credits under category II

  • Just in time: 0.25 credits under category II

  • Read, reflect, respond: 0.25 credits under category II

  • MCQs: 0.25 credits under category II.

Please note, residents and trainees are not entitled to claim CPD points.


National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi

This is to state that the National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi recognizes BMJ as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Pakistan. Healthcare professionals and doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.

The Pakistan Hypertension League

This is to state that the Pakistan Hypertension League recognises BMJ Learning and BMJ Best Practice as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Pakistan. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning and BMJ Best Practice.

Pakistan Society of Family Physicians

BMJ Learning modules are now accredited by the Pakistan Society of Family Physicians.

University of Health Sciences Lahore

BMJ Learning is now accredited for the purpose of CME/CPD by the University of Health Sciences Lahore.


Unversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

The Unversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia recognizes BMJ as being accredited for the purposes of continuing educational development in Peru in the medical and healthcare field. Healthcare professionals and physicians located in Peru can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning. To formally claim the credits, learners should contact UPCH on email address and comply with the UPCH requirements.


Polish Society of Internal Medicine

This is to state that the Polish Society of Internal Medicine recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Poland. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health represented by the Accreditation Department of the Qatar Council for Health Practitioners recognizes the continuous medical education (CME)/continuing professional development (CPD) modules provided through BMJ Learning as Category II self-directed learning activities in the State of Qatar. Healthcare professionals in Qatar can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning, calculated as 1 credit unit per 1 hour (Organization Code OP-02).

Republic of Iraq

Iraqi Ministry of Health

We are delighted to announce that the Iraq Ministry of Health has accredited BMJ Learning for the purposes of CME. One module is the equivalent of one hour or one credit point.

The University of Basrah

This is to state that the University of Basrah, College of Medicine recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits (1 credit / hour) for their activity on BMJ Learning.

Republic of Singapore

Singapore Medical Council

Doctors who have been participating in BMJ Learning can submit self claims under Category 3B via the Singapore Medical Council Online System.

Republic of Rwanda

Rwanda Medical and Dental Council

This is to state that BMJ Learning has been accredited as a Continuing Professional Development provider under the provisions of the Rwanda Medical and Dental Council.

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

Executive Administration of Continuous Professional Development Reference to Review outcomes and Recommendations of CPD Providers’ Accreditation Assessment Committee ( AAC) in The Executive Administration of Professional Development in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties with regards to the standards and Conditions of Professional Development Regulations By law and its Executive Rules the decision is: Granting Accreditation as CPD provider for Activities and programs for three years effective from this date.

  • Accreditation Date 31/08/2022

  • Accreditation Number AC10000292

  • Expiry Date 31/08/2025


University Gaston of Saint Louis

This is to state that the Faculty of Health Sciences of University Gaston of Saint Louis recognises BMJ Learning and as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Senegal. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.

State of Kuwait

Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization

The Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization (KIMS) of the Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait is the authority responsible for organising all aspects of postgraduate training of medical practitioners and other health professionals in Kuwait. Users within Kuwait can claim one hour or one credit per hour of learning completed.

South Africa

University of Cape Town

This is to state that the University of Cape Town CPD accreditor recognizes BMJ Learning as suitable for the purposes of continuing medical education. Doctors can thus claim continuing medical education credits for their activities on BMJ.


Royal College of Family Physicians of Thailand

The Royal College of Family Physicians of Thailand would like to accredit BMJ Learning. Members of the Royal College of Family Physicians of Thailand will get continuing education credits following the regulations of the Center for Continuing Medical Education of Thailand.

Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago Medical Association has accredited BMJ Learning.


The Turkish Medical Association

The Turkish Medical Association recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.

To claim your credits, you must share your BMJ Learning certificates with the Turkish Medical Association.


Association of Family Physicians of Uganda

This is to state that the Association of Family Physicians of Uganda recognizes BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Uganda. Doctors can thus claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ.

United Arab Emirates

Dubai Health Authority

The Dubai Health Authority's aim is to provide an accessible, effective and integrated healthcare system, protect public health, and improve the quality of life within the Emirate. Its mission is to ensure access to health services, maintain and improve the quality of these services, improve health status of nationals, residents, and visitors, and oversee a dynamic, efficient, and innovative health sector (accreditation number 0013/18).

Accreditation systems deemed equivalent to the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH)

There are many acceptable CE accreditation systems throughout the region and the world. The DoH of Abu Dhabi recognizes many of these systems as “equivalent”. Participants in CE accredited by one of these recognized bodies can count the CE for Category 1 credit hours, just as they would if the participants had attended a DoH-accredited event. The Dubai Health Authority is one of the UAE accepted accrediting organizations, and BMJ Learning is accredited by the Dubai Health Authority.

UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention

BMJ Learning is accredited by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention. Users can thus get CME credits as a result of their activities on the site.


Lam Dong Medical College

This is to state that Lam Dong Medical College recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Vietnam. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.


The University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences

This is to state that the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences recognises BMJ Learning as being accredited for the purposes of continuing professional development in Zimbabwe. Healthcare professionals and doctors can claim continuing professional development credits for their activity on BMJ Learning.

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