You can use BMJ Learning free of charge if your institution has purchased access.
Your institution has hopefully provided you with details of how to get free access to BMJ Learning. If not, we have identified the various routes below. Please note the method to get free access from your institution changes depending on your institution preferences.
The best first step is to contact your Librarian or similar to understand how to access.
How to get free access through your institution
Safe URL - your institution might have a page or search function that links to all of their resources. Clicking the BMJ Learning link from here sends you to our Login page - where you either need to Login with an existing account or Sign Up by clicking 'Sign up with your organisation'.
IP address:
If you're connected to your institutions wifi or IP range then you can Sign up by going here.
Access code - if your institution has given you an Access code you can enter it on this page under the 'Do you have an access code?' section.
If you already have an account and want to add a new access code;
1) Go to edit my details
2) Login if prompted
3) Enter your code into the Access code field
4) Click 'Save'